Sunday, November 11, 2012


I've been trying to find a new leotard for months - I know what brand I want and what size I need.  The problem, however, is that leotards come in a small color scale.  Nearly every pattern that isn't animal print or obnoxious is pink. PINK.  Looking at GK Elite's leotards, how is a teen gymnast who doesn't like pink supposed to find a leotard she likes? 
Going through pages and pages of leotards, I've never found one that was less than $70 that I liked (and I'm not spending that much on a leotard, ever).  Between the animal print, America colors, just plain ugly, leotards are one of the hardest things for me to shop for.  
Why does GK Elite, along with other leotard companies within the gymnastics world, insist on the abundance of pink leotards? At the gym where I work, nearly every girl has a pink leotard because that's all she can find - and half of them don't even like pink! I think the abundance of pink leotards will last perpetually because gymnasts aren't willing to stand up to their leotard companies.  Looking at competitive gymnasts, next to no one has a pink leotard representing their team colors, especially the highly competitive gyms. 
The sport of gymnastics is highly stereotyped - girls must be dainty and perfect in order to be successful.  As a sport that's already stereotyped enough, why should we be forced to wear pink leotards, a stereotypically female color? 


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